Bug fix Archives - WordPress Expert in Switzerland

As you’ve probably noticed, a slow website will make your experience miserable as a visitor of that website. Same goes for the WordPress admin. If you are a website owner and need to wait several seconds on each page load, you will have a problem, as the user experience will be very frustrating and totally […]


It is a rare instance, but sometimes the error message “another update is currently in progress” will display on your screen instead of the update you requested. In most cases, the message will go away by itself after a while, but it could happen that it just stays there. In that case, you should do […]


WordPress’ latest updated came with issues for many websites worldwide, because the popular CMS stopped including the jquery-migrate tool by default. This tool allowed you to keep including jQuery scripts written for older versions of jQuery. In general, the problems you’ll meet will be concerning features that use jQuery, for example image carousels or visual […]
