Whether you’re a business or an individual, having your website hacked is a particularly frightening and potentially devastating experience. The consequences depend on how you use your site, but they range from the loss of work done for a personal site, to the loss of money when your site is a sales tool. What’s more, the image damage can be considerable if the site remains hacked for a long time, not to mention the loss of Google ranking.
There can be different scenarios, but in most cases, hackers take advantage of out-of-date sites and exploit a security flaw in WordPress or a plugin. In this way, they gain access to your site and make modifications, sometimes disguised and difficult to spot, to take advantage of your server’s resources or your site’s reputation on Google.
If your website is hacked, the best solution is to restore your last backup. You’ll then need to update all the passwords for the WordPress site administrators, as well as for your FTP, database and hosting console. If you don’t have a backup, it gets more complicated and you have to clean up the whole site, which can take a lot of time.
If your WordPress site has been hacked and you don’t feel up to restoring it, you can contact us and we’ll assess our chances of restoring it.